Vision & Mission of Hadaya Vatthu Foundation

Hadaya Vatthu Foundation is founded by a group of people who has seen and experienced the wonderful effects of meditation according to the Buddha’s teachings (Dhamma), especially to preserve Theravada Forest Meditation Tradition in Indonesia. People cannot have a deep understanding of the Dhamma without also deepening their concentration (samadhi) and awareness (sati); as part of the Eightfold Noble Path. Hadaya Vatthu is a Pali word. It represents the heart base which is present in the blood of the heart. It is described in the Visuddhimaga (viii, 111)…. "there is hollow the size of a punnaga seeds bed where half a pastata measure of blood is kept, with which as their support the mind element and mind-consciousness element occur.” This is the place where our consciousness emanates.

Our vision is to have as many people as possible make meditation (in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha) a common and daily practice in their lives. It is also our vision to have some Indonesians become highly skilled meditation teachers in the years to come.

Our mission is to introduce meditation techniques and practices (in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha) to the general public so that peaceful and happy meditation communities are developed.

March 24, 2010

Perkembangan Retreat Pa Auk Sayadaw di Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre, Mawlamyine, Myanmar

Bersama ini kami dari yayasan hadaya vatthu ingin menyampaikan perkembangan mengenai retret Pa-Auk Sayadaw 1 Jan - 30 Jun di Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre, Mawlamyine, Myanmar.

Adapun rencana semula retret ini hanya akan diikuti oleh sekitar 300 peserta bagi hanya yg sudah menyelesaikan latihan samatha dan vipassana coursesnya karena Pa-Auk Sayadaw ingin mengajari lebih intensif lagi agar para muridnya tersebut dapat lebih siap utk mengajar keseluruh dunia. Tapi karena Pa-Auk Sayadaw sdh 3 thn tidak pulang ke Myanmar maka pesertanya "membludak" hingga sekitar 1.200 org dimana bhikkhunya sekitar 500 org, sayalay yg sangat banyak dan sekitar 250 peserta dari luar Myanmar. Dari Indonesia diikuti oleh 25 orang yg terdiri dari 8 bhikkhu, 4 sayalay tetap, 3 calon bhikkhu dan 10 umat.

Untuk itu ANUMODANA atas dukungan dana sehingga kita dapat membiayai keperluan 15 orang disana (8bhikkhu, 4 sayalay dan 3 calon bhikkhu) dan juga berdana untuk para bhikkhu dan sayalay disana.

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Semoga kita dapat terus mendukung pengembangan kualitas batin para bhikkhu, sayalay dan umat di Indonesia. Terima kasih banyak atas segala dukungannya.

charles hardono
yayasan hadaya vatthu