Vision & Mission of Hadaya Vatthu Foundation

Hadaya Vatthu Foundation is founded by a group of people who has seen and experienced the wonderful effects of meditation according to the Buddha’s teachings (Dhamma), especially to preserve Theravada Forest Meditation Tradition in Indonesia. People cannot have a deep understanding of the Dhamma without also deepening their concentration (samadhi) and awareness (sati); as part of the Eightfold Noble Path. Hadaya Vatthu is a Pali word. It represents the heart base which is present in the blood of the heart. It is described in the Visuddhimaga (viii, 111)…. "there is hollow the size of a punnaga seeds bed where half a pastata measure of blood is kept, with which as their support the mind element and mind-consciousness element occur.” This is the place where our consciousness emanates.

Our vision is to have as many people as possible make meditation (in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha) a common and daily practice in their lives. It is also our vision to have some Indonesians become highly skilled meditation teachers in the years to come.

Our mission is to introduce meditation techniques and practices (in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha) to the general public so that peaceful and happy meditation communities are developed.

May 15, 2012

Retreat Meditasi oleh Sayalay Dipankara 22-31August 2012

Info: Retret meditasi yg akan dibimbing oleh Sayalay Dipankara, akan diadakan pd tgl 22- 31 Aug'12 di Cibodas, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Pendaftaran ke Karman,, 08128325692. Retreat ini tdk dipunggut biaya apa pun selain niat para yogi untuk melatih diri dg tekun. Profil singkat: Dilahirkan thn 1964 di Myanmar. Saat usia masih sangat muda, beliau sdh melatih meditasi tanpa bimbingan dari luar. Ketika kuliah.., diperkenalkan oleh seorang profesornya, yg juga Guru Besar Abhidhamma, Y.M. Pa-Auk Sayadaw utk mendapat bimbingan langsung Meditasi Samatha dan Vipassana. Beliau berhasil mencapai kemajuan batin dlm waktu yg sangat singkat dibawah bimbingan dari gurunya yg sangat baik kemampuannya. Thn 1990 ditahbiskan sbg Sayalay di Vihara Pa-Auk Tawya. Sejak itu, beliau dilatih untuk menjadi guru meditasi. Beliau mempunyai pengalaman dlm mengajarkan setiap dari 40 objek meditasi seperti yg tertulis di kitab Visuddhi Magga seperti Anapanasati, Empat Unsur, Metta, Buddhanussati, Asubha, Marananussati dan 8 Samapatti (Jhana 1-8), Kasina, dll dan Meditasi Vipassana. Thn 1996, beliau diundang ke Sri Lanka oleh yg sangat terhormat, YM Ariya Dhamma utk mendampingi gurunya, YM Pa-Auk utk membimbing para Yogi. Sejak itu, beliau sering diundang Pusat Buddhist terkenal utk mengajar meditasi dan membimbing Retreat Meditasi yg intensif slama 2 bulan. Seperti Amerika ( Insight Meditation Center), Canada, Taiwan ( Hong Shih Foundation ), Inggris (Amaravati dan Citta Vevekha), Jepang, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, dll. Slama di Inggris, Oxford & Manchester University mengundang beliau utk diskusi Mind Training, juga diundang utk The Western Conference mengenai Jhana di Jubilados Foundation pd thn 2001. Sejak akhir 2005, mulai membimbing retreat di Brahma Vihari Meditation Centre, Maymyo, Myanmar yg telah berhasil didirikannya dan merupakan cabang dari Pa-Auk Tawya. ( Sayalay Dipankara bisa disearch di Youtube)